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Monday, May 23, 2011

Stay gold, Ponyboy!

They say that there is nothing so constant as change, and I believe it.

Then again, some things never change:
That had better just be fruit juice, young lady!

I've changed a lot over the years, but deep down inside, I'm still this person (on the left):

And I always will be.  Who else could I be?

It's natural to grow and change as you get older, and we wouldn't be very interesting people if we didn't learn from our mistakes as we fumble along through this life of ours.  We learn more from our failures than from our victories, so the failures make the victories all the sweeter, right?

Anywho, I'm getting all off-track, but I'm too lazy to edit myself into oblivion today.  I actually came here to write about a different kind of change: the change that people go through when they want to be famous.

I got to thinking about this subject after flipping through the FM dial the other day and realizing that Adele's Rollin' In The Deep was on nearly every channel.  Now, I love Adele, and it's a testament to how great that song is that I am not even sick of it (yet).  What I love most about her, however, is that she looks so normal.

She's a beautiful girl, sure, but she's not your typical pop star.  Not only is she an incredibly talented singer and songwriter, but she doesn't fit into that mold that everyone else seems to cram themselves into.  She's a little chubby, just like the rest of us.  She looks great with her hair and make up done, but she also looks fresh and natural when she's caught by the paparazzi getting coffee, etc.  Her voice is sultry, soulful, and strong, and she looks the part.  In short, I think she's adorable and I hope she never changes.

But I'll bet she will, because nothing gold can stay.

Since when do singers all have to be skinny and drop-dead gorgeous, anyway?  Who decided that the public couldn't (or shouldn't) tolerate fat or ugly people who happen to have talent?  These days, the minute someone makes it really big they go from looking like this:

 To looking like this:

Which, in my opinion, is boring has hell.  Sure, if Jennifer Hudson here is healthier and happier, then good for her!  But I somehow doubt she starved herself went on Weight Watchers to be healthier.  She went on a huge diet because she was sick of feeling like the Goodyear blimp at fittings, and tired of carrying the "Proud Fat Chick" banner for the rest of us.  I'm not blaming her, I'm just saying that with talent like hers, she should be able to look any way she wants.

Isn't that right, Aretha?
That's right, baby!

Anywho, just a friendly reminder from your neighborhood Bev to be kind to yourself.  Love yourself, even if you have a few pounds to lose or have adult acne or massive breasts that are just a little bit terrifying.  There's only one you, and you are awesome.

That is all.

Have a great week!

PS)  Since Frank asked me what the title means, I'm adding this note in case anyone else doesn't get the reference.  "Stay gold, Ponyboy" is a line from the movie, The Outsiders, which is based on the book by S.E. Hinton. The line is referring to this poem by Robert Frost:
Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.

*dusting off hands* I think we've all learned something here today. My work here is done!

Friday, May 20, 2011

It's the end of the world as we know it...

and I feel fine. No, really, I do.

Sooo, if you're one of those religious extremists Christians who think that the world is going to end tomorrow, I hope you're all doing it UP today! Seriously, you're already Saved... why not get your party on, comfortable in the knowledge that you will be safely ushered into Heaven at approximately 6 PM EST tomorrow?

See u Saturday!  lol

Go nuts! Get the caffeinated coffee. Eat a Big Mac. Have a beer. Rub one out.

We'll be sad to see you go, but those of us who are left behind will somehow muddle through. It will be tough going, what with all of the earthquakes and zombie attacks and all, but somehow I think this rag-tag group of sinners will do okay.  I'm just psyched that all of my friends and most of my family will still be here!  It'll be like Old Home Day up in here!

I'm feeling pretty well-prepared, having done a big grocery shop and stocked up on water, iodine tablets, and non-perishable food items yesterday. But truth be told, I plan to get the majority of my supplies during the Post-Rapture looting.  First stop: pharmacy.

What?  For my thyroid medication, duh.  What did you think, that I'd grab all of the pain relievers, condoms, and Xanax?  No way!  Never.*

Second stop: liquor store.

 Catch you later, fellas.

At any rate, I'm pretty okay with the world ending tomorrow.  I mean, I'd be bummed, yeah, but it would be kind of a relief in some ways.  No more stress, worry, or credit card bills.  No more forcing myself to exercise even though I hate it. No more Kardashians on TV.

I could get used to it.  I'd adjust.

Haha, I'm kidding!  I'm not really a crazy nut who believes in that crap, sillies! On Sunday morning, we'll all still be here, and I'd love to be a fly on the wall of one of the churches whose congregation believed it all.

Instead, I'll be one of the many, many people on this planet who will join together in the spirit of brotherhood and give them a universal, cosmic one of these:
That'll teach you to believe in something, believers!

Oh, settle down, I'm kidding.  Mostly.

At any rate, tonight I'll be spending the last night of "normal" existence on a chick date.  We're going to eat our body weights in delicious carbohydrates and then go see Bridesmaids, and I can't think of a better way to say sayonara to the world as we know it.

Just in case, I wish you all the best in the Afterlife or whatever.  If you end up staying here, as I'm sure you will because if you read my blog then you're undeniably a big fat sinner cool, call me!

Peace, love, and antibiotics!
La Bev

*Yes way.  Always.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Catch-Up Time: Best and Worst!

Helllloooooo!  First things first.  Yes, I know I've been seriously MIA 'round these parts. My apologies to those who give a flying fig (you know who you are!). I've been busy trying to change my (work) life, which is a lot harder than it sounds, so I let the OOBH slide a bit.  Still love ya, though, and I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things pronto.

So, let's catch up! I thought I'd review the best and worst stuff that's been going on in my little corner of the world. I'll do my best to keep this brief, but I can't make any promises.

The Best

Tina Fey's book.

Holy shnikeys, this woman can write. The book is simply awesome. She shares little bits of wisdom that she's picked up over the course of her career as a writer and entertainer, but she's not obnoxious about dropping this knowledge.  She's infinitely self-deprecating and aware of how fortunate she is, while also acknowledging the hard work she put in to get where she is.  I learned a lot, and most of all,  laughed a lot.  This is stay-up-late-laughing-out-loud-by-yourself-in-your-silent-living-room good.

Learning to shut my pie hole.
I've been working hard on another personal goal lately, and that is to stop giving such a tremendous fuck about everything. I've been much happier. Now, when someone says something childish or annoying to me, I restrain myself and don't respond.  This is huge for me, because previously I'd get into it with them and get myself all worked up, which really helps no one.

Something else I learned from Tina Fey--when someone acts badly you have to ask yourself if s/he is standing in the way of what you want.  If not, ignore them and go about your business. You're not going to change their mind, so why bother?  If they are in your way, find a way around them -- over, under, around!

Seriously, read the book.

The Worst

The ticks
I'm not sure if this is a sign of the impending Rapture or what, but the goddamn motherfucking TICKS have already started their campaign to rule the world.  Is it a bad tick year for everyone, or just ME?  It started about two weeks ago when my youngest son wandered up to me with a tick attached to his chest.  I was totally skeeved out, naturally, but I plucked that sucker off of him and took great pleasure in squishing it till it couldn't be squished no mo'.  Little did I know that that tick had a legion of friends in low places.

A few days later, Jim took the dog for a walk and came home covered... and I do mean COVERED... in disgusting, crawling ticks.  This is how I got the honor of searching my naked husband's nooks and crannies for creepy-crawlies, which was highly unpleasant for us both.  Later that night I found three more of the stubborn bastards on the dog despite being freshly dosed with Frontline, and worst yet, the next day as I sat at work I felt something tickling my arm under the shirt.  Sure as shit, there was a tick crawling on me!  And this was after TWO showers! This morning I found another one on my pant leg.

As a certifiable arachnophobe, this WILL NOT DO.  I've cleaned my house top to bottom, done all the laundry in HOT water, and am one step away from setting off some sort of chemical bomb in my home to make sure I never see another blood-sucking fuckazoid again. FML!

The Day Job
At the risk of being dooced, which is a chance I'm clearly willing to take, I will say that things have gone from bad to worse at my day job. 

Let's put it this way: if you could choose between sitting 4 feet away from a micromanaging boss with no concept of personal space OR an elderly cat lady who chatters like a deranged squirrel all day, which would you choose?  Tough one, innit?

I'm not about to jump into another crap job that might turn out to be worse than this one, so until the perfect gig comes along, I'm sticking it out. But I'm working on it every day and outwardly maintaining my usual sunny disposition, which is all I can do.

The Rain
It has been gray, overcast, and raining steadily for a week now.  I'd make a joke about building an ark and all that, but frankly I'm too tired.  I'm either suffering from SAD or Lyme disease, both of which are super-duper awesome, right?  

Don't act like you're not impressed.

So there you have it! I have so much more to say -- we didn't even get into the whole Arnold Swartzenegger diddling the maid thing or the fact that Hanson has a number 1 song on the charts again (a sure sign of the impending apocalypse)! But I've got work to do, so I'll sign off even with all of this unfinished business.

What have YOU been up to? What's the best and worst stuff happening in your life?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Dharmendra Wallpaper



dharmendra x








dharmendra the indian macho man






dharmendra b


original Dharmendra dc b a


dharmendra b




Actor Dharmendra Family Photos


dharmendra the indian macho man


Dharmendra with his sons









Jayaprada Wallpaper

original Jaya Prada f e c


jayaprada b


Jaya BPrada


jaya Bprada Bin Bmalayalam




jaya prada




Jaya Prada




jaya prada


Jaya Prada


jayapradaapril full


all B Bjaya Bprada


jaya prada to campaign for congress


jaya prada launches music of film raftaar




Jaya Prada small


jaya prada
