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Friday, March 25, 2011

Your Strongest Sense?

Of the five senses: taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing, which is your strongest? They say that everybody has one sense that's dominant. In my case, it's definitely my sense of smell.

My eyes suck -- I've worn some form of corrective lenses ever since I was 15 and failed the eye portion of my driving exam. When I finally got my first pair of glasses, I was shocked at how badly I had been seeing the world previously! Trees were just big green blobs; seeing details like leaves and bark was a new experience.

My other senses are all perfectly fine; my sense of smell is simply noteworthy because I can do crazy things with it. Seriously... it's practically bionic.

When I was in LA recently, my friends and I were standing on a street corner (shut up) talking, when all of the sudden I got a horrible whiff of dog poop. I wrinkled my face up and said, "Ugh!" but no one else smelled a thing. A minute later we noticed a police dog about half a mile away quietly copping a squat on the sidewalk. No lie.

I often smell things that no one else does, but that burning scent is totally normal, right?

Anyhoodle, that's my big claim to fame: I can smell a fish fart from fifty paces. I suppose it could be worse:

What about you? Which one of your senses is super?

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