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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mmm, these drugs are delicious!

Heyyyyy, whussup?

So guess who landed in the ER on Friday morning with Acute Appendicitis? Yep, yours truly!

After suffering through crazy abdominal cramps all night on Thursday I drove myself (!) to the hospital and found myself scheduled for emergency surgery faster than you can say, "WTF." While in the ER I managed to find every staff member who was having an off-day; first was the head nurse who stuck me no fewer than four times while trying to start an I.V., then came the CT tech who didn't attach the contrast dye to my I.V. properly so it burst open and drenched my hair, face, and arm in sticky wet liquid. (Don'tcha hate it when that happens?)

Talk about adding insult to injury! I had to spend the next 24 hours looking like this:

The surgery went really well, though, and they were able to do it laparoscopically so I have hardly any wounds to care for and the scarring will be minimal. That's a relief, since you all know how much I love to rock a bikini in the summer. (HA!)

I stayed in the hospital overnight on Friday and endured the world's most annoying roommate. You know how my crazy coworker talks me ear off at work all the time? Well, this was her in "overweight, disabled drug-seeker" form. She had her gall bladder removed, a surgery which our mutual surgeon said was almost exactly like my appendectomy, but according to her she was in excruciating pain and needed something from every person who walked through the door. The woman even complained in her sleep. I'm not kidding!

By Friday night I was dutifully shuffling around with my I.V. in the hospital hallways. Meanwhile my roommie needed two nurses and an orderly just to go to the bathroom, which I only saw her do twice in 24 hours. What a character! She's totally going to end up in my novel someday.

My friends and family blew me away with how helpful and kind they were. Everyone pitched in to take care of the kids, call and visit, make us dinner, drive my car home, send flowers, and I had countless wonderful messages on Facebook to read when I woke up from surgery. I am so, so, SO grateful for every single one of them. I was feelin' the love from all over! Maybe I should have extraneous body parts taken out more often.

Naaaaaah... that part still sucked. ;)

Anywho, I'm home now and will take the next couple of days off from my "real" job. I have a few pretty big writing assignments to complete this week but hopefully by tomorrow or Tuesday I'll feel up to tackling those, too. I'm trying not to stress out (for a change) and just rest and recuperate, but anyone who has obnoxious kids knows that that's easier said than done.

The doctor gave me pretty powerful pain drugs so I'm a happy camper. Let's just say that I'm not one to "suck it up;" if they give me good meds, I take 'em. My plans are to kick back, dose up, and watch the Grammy Awards show tonight. Hopefully I will be able to stay awake long enough so that tomorrow I can entertain you all with a post featuring my semi-coherent ramblings about the show.

See? Everything I do, I do for shoe. Er, um, you.

Aaaaaanyhooters. We'll talk more later. For now, it's time for a nappy-poo.

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