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What she knows scares me. |
First up, this is a classic anti-drug PSA with a killer catch phrase. I used to say this to my dad all the time and it was guaranteed to make him laugh.
"You, alright? I learned it by watching you!"
That one was a Saturday morning staple, and I still sing this little jingle every time I'm cutting the cheese.
Wait, that came out wrong. Never mind, just watch the clip.
Time for Timer!
Another classic, and possibly the greatest punchline in television history:
This one didn't make me not want drugs; it just made me want delicious fried eggs.
Who remembers this next one? Remember the good old days when we were just learning that 9 to 5-style sexual harassment was actually... wrong?
I don't remember this next one, probably because we didn't have NBC in our house until I was twelve. Yes, before we moved the only channels we got were CBS and, on a good day, a fuzzy PBS. That's why I quote movies like it's an illness - I watched a shitload of movies during those formative years!
Anywho, I had to include this one because it's Jason Bateman. *swoooon*
So cute.
TELL me you aren't singing along with this next one! Talk about a flashback.
McGruff the Crime Dog, anyone?
I can't do an 80's PSA post without including these guys:
Or this one:
One more Time for Timer clip, because they rock my socks off. This one had me obsessed with making ice cube popsicles for years.
There you have it! What I'd like to know is why they don't make/air any good PSA's anymore. I have the "scare 'em straight" PSA's that they air these days. Why not bring back singing, dancing cowboys instead of showing me horrible car crashes (don't text & drive!) or boneless girls (don't smoke pot!)? Also, as a parent, I'd love to see more ads warning kids about stranger danger and household poisons. I'm serious!
Did I miss any of your favorites? Speak up!
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