Let's review!

Another way of looking at things - one cannot drink steadily for an entire day without someone's evil twin making an appearance. *cough*not mine*cough*
2. If you insist upon never removing your trendy neck scarf while you eat, people will surreptitiously take your photo and then make fun of you after you leave the restaurant. It's just human nature. Oh, and if we detect a French accent, you will not be given a pass for wearing said trendy neck scarf; rather, you will be labeled "Le sac du douche" and giggled at mercilessly. (And yes, we know that douche doesn't really mean douche in French... creative license, if you will. Thx.)

3. Cape Cod is quaint. And old. Oh, and speaking of old, apparently the median age for tourists there is somewhere around 75... lots of gray heads. As is always the case, my husband and I ended up chillaxin' with the AARP crowd, and we dug it. What?

4. People really were a lot smaller 350 years ago! Ha ha

5. Your husband pre-ordering champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries for the room doesn't really make up for the fact that he forgot your anniversary last week (after being reminded repeatedly).

He will still end up in the stockade, however briefly.

6. If you're looking for a moment of Zen, you will find them if you keep your eyes open.

See? Enlightening.
One last thing before I go -- Congratulations to our friend Kate, who had her baby yesterday about a week ahead of schedule! Great job, girl! We love you, now put down that infant and get back to commenting or
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