I'm not especially happy today, in fact I'm pretty frakin' grumpy. I woke up with a rash on Sunday -- a big one. I have no idea what I did/ate/touched to earn myself an itchy red rash on my entire body, so that just adds to the fun! The bulk of it is better today but now my eye lids are swollen and the rash is on my face as well, so needless to say I'm feeling especially hot and sexy this morning. Oh, and Benedryl helps it a lot, but it makes me feel like my head is floating about 6" above my neck and I was literally dozing off at stop lights on my way to work this morning. Fan-fuckin-tastic, I say.
Let's see - in other news, I saw Paranormal Activity at the movies yesterday and it was pretty good. Not sure if it lives up to the hype, but I enjoyed it and was legitimately spooked throughout. It had a kind of slow-burn build-up and the ending made me (and the rest of the audience) yelp out loud, it was that good. I love that it was made with practically no money; they did a fantastic job with limited resources, and it was quite believable and felt real.
On Friday I had a blog post all typed out and ready to go when Blogger suddenly got her period and decided to be a ripping bitch and delete it. One second I was typing, the next my document was blank. Good times, right? So here's an abbreviated version of that post.
Time to clear off the photos from my cell phone! Behold the random and oftentimes sublime contents of my photo album:
My job totally blows, but at least my office park is pretty:

My kid got all kinds of creative the other night and created "Cardboard Darth Vader" out of the boxes we had on hand. Yes, those boxes previously contained diapers and beer. So?

I pride myself in noticing beauty in odd places, and this mud puddle just struck my fancy one day. Of course, I did my fair share of hallucinagens in college, so maybe that's why I thought it looked so cool. Don't judge me.

Nothing unites a family like a Facebook video of a man blowing his own eyebrows off while doing a science experiment.

My hair dresser used so many foils for my highlights that she couldn't fit them all into a plastic shower cap. This is Kara wrapping my head in Saran Wrap, because I am glamorous and mysterious!

My husband is quite the ball o' fire after 8 PM at night. I took this picture because the cat looked kind of perverted with his head down there, and oddly enough this is the last photo ever taken of our cat. Yep, the cat packed his bags and took off, leaving no forwarding address, soon after waking up in this compromising position. I'm all broken up about it, can't you tell? This is where the tears would be if I gave a shit.

That'll do for today. Thanks for listening to me bitch and moan about my Leprosy. Hopefully by tomorrow it will all be a painful and confusing memory for me!
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