I am not glamorous or stylish in any way. I don't want to give off the impression that I am, since I value honesty above all things and besides, we might someday meet and I don't want you saying, "Jesus, Bev is a total hag in person!" So, let me paint you a picture of what the REAL Bev is all about, for those of you who I haven't had the pleasure of meeting me in "real" life. Yet. :)
1. I rotate the same work clothes all week long; I probably only have about 6 work outfits and I just mix and match the same tired crap all week long. Thank GOD I only work 4 days/week.
2. As I mentioned in comments, upon getting home for the night after work, I immediately discard the binding work duds and put on the raggedy scraps of flannel that make up my "comfy clothes." Favorites include green Life is Good flannel pants with giant daisies on them, blue plaid pj bottoms, and stretched-out black yoga pants that don't stay up very well, so I'm always tugging at them.
3. I do wear make-up, but not a lot. I will put on a touch of foundation for special occasions/going out, but most days it's just blush & mascara.
4. I don't even blow dry my hair unless I'm going out to be SOCIAL. The work asswipes get me with air-dried, frizzed out moptop hair. Hey, but at least I'm clean. They can suck it.
5. I only wear my contacts at work and for social stuff, so on days off I can be found with my Tina Fey glasses on, usually sliding down my nose because my little son keeps grabbing them and they're all stretched out now.
So, as you can see, while I go out of my way to look presentable around my friends and, to a lesser extent, my coworkers, when left to my own devices I live squarely in the middle of Frump Town, USA, and I'm totally ok with that. I just want to keep my residency part-time and not go all out into Zero Estrogen territory, ya know?

I had every intention of posting a couple of pics to illustrate my point, but it seems that I only uploaded relatively decent pics of myself to Photosucket, so I can't access the truly bad pics of myself until I get home. But, when not dressed up, I look a little something like this. ------>
End of public service announcement....
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