Anyway, I have a total girl crush on Isla Fisher. She's friggin' adorable. The red hair, the cute-as-a-button face, the quirky attitude. Love her!
Now, I'm a lover of men. Oh yeah, I love the menfolk. BUT, that doesn't mean I can't admire the beauty of a woman without wanting to, ya know, touch her & shit. There are a couple of actresses who fall into the girl crush category:

Hey, she's married to Borat, so she's gotta have a sense of humor, right? Also, who could watch her in Wedding Crashers and not laugh their ass off? No one I want to know, surely.

I think she's hilarious & pretty in a very understated kind of way. Failure to Launch is not a great movie, for instance, but Zooey is terrific in it. Also, Winter Passing - great flick, and shows a more serious (but still funny) side of Will Ferrell. She's also marrying one of the dudes from Death Cab for Cutie, a band I enjoy. Bonus cool points, that.

LOVE HER. She's pretty and funny, and stars in a ridiculous stoner movie that makes me laugh every time: Smiley Face. Also, Just Friends? She is insanely funny in it.
Ok, I'll stop now before you all start to tag me as a gigantic lesbian. NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT. :) I just like pretty chicks who make me laugh - is that so wrong?
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