Apparently someone who wished to remain nameless read my comment about no-talent assclown Clay Aiken (a comment that I made here on my own personal blog containing nothing but my very own opinions and ideas, mind you) and decided that the reason I don't like Clay Aiken is because he's gay. Or, more specifically, that I think he shouldn't have any fans because he's gay.
(pardon me while I try to stop my eyes from compulsively rolling back in their sockets)
I think maybe someone missed my point; I don't hate him because he's gay, I hate him because I think his music sucks. Also, I think it's funny that some women slobber over him when he's clearly not interested.
But hey, it sure was nice of Anonymous to stop by to tell me I was "trying too hard to be cool." Awesome. Thanks for taking a couple of moments out of your busy day of yelling at waitresses, kicking puppies, and luring jailbait into your van to seek out the blog of someone you don't know and try to ruin their day! You obviously rock! Good luck being you!
On that note, my regulahs may notice that I have painstakingly gone through and deleted all of my family member's names. Sorry to make things more confusing for you, but obviously, the ol' blogaroonie has attracted a crazy or two. Well, crazies we don't know, that is. So, going forward, BS = Big Son, LS = Little Son, DH = Dear Husband, and all of my friend's kids will be referred to by their initials only. I've also changed my location to the more generic "New England."

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