Ok, still with me?
Well, then, let me just tell you - it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be! I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow, but today I had no trouble hopping on the ol' elliptical trainer and doing 40 minutes! I burned 350 calories and went over 3 miles. I enjoyed the new cheesy music I'd downloaded for the occasion. Lady GaGa, I salute you for your infectious club groove, and Britney, baby, I am glad I never gave up on you. Nothing gets my ass moving like a little Mama Spears! Also, Kanye, you're still a dink, but for your awesome song "Stronger," you get a small Bev-pass. Just this once.
I was glad that nothing at all had changed at the gym during my little workout hiatus. I also remembered another gym perk - all the trashy gossip mags a girl could want, all for free! Yes, they're kind of gummed up and wrinkly, but who gives a crap? Not me!
The best part was that when I left I was truly, utterly proud of myself in a way that I haven't been in quite some time. Maybe it was that elusive "runner's high" that the fit people talk about, but I was downright giddy as I drove home. In fact, I can't wait to do it again!

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