It is easy being green!
I'm embarrassed to admit that I just bought the green fabric grocery bags yesterday. As someone who does care about the environment, I was feeling tremendous guilt each week as I carted home tons of plastic grocery bags! I mean, yes, reuse them, but it still felt wasteful.
Finally Stop & Shop started selling them for $.99 each, so I loaded up and they really are awesome. They hold a surprising amount of groceries, and they're easier to carry than regular bags. Plus, good for the earth, so win, win, win!
Now I just have to figure out what Jim is going to use to collect the dog's, errrm, leavings, from the yard.
Of course, I'm not patting myself on the back too much. I'm still driving a big ol' minivan and loving every plush, roomy minute of it, after all! But I'm trying, doing my small part, and all that good tree-hugging stuff. Feels good.
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